Agua Azul, Chiapas, Mexico

It was April 26, 2011 when we left Homer, Alaska to begin our Epic Expedition - a road trip from Alaska to Argentina.

It's been just about seven months on the road. How much has it cost us and how far have we driven?

Here's the breakdown:

Previous Months Expenses

Total Miles Driven

  • Mileage 4/26/11 - 98,475
  • Mileage 5/27/11 - 104,345
  • Mileage 6/29/11 - 106,404
  • Mileage 8/3/11 - 109,286
  • Mileage 9/1/11 - 110,955
  • Mileage 10/4/11 - 113,663
  • Mileage 11/7/11 - 115,728
  • Miles this month - Forgot to check
  • Total Miles Driven - I'll tell you next month

We're still driving mostly for free, thanks to!

Monthly Expenses

  • Groceries $318.16 - Food is cheaper in Mexico!
  • Diesel $133.90 - We had some challenges finding veggie, so we had to buy diesel
  • Travel $192.29 - This includes taxis, park and museum entrance fees, tolls, subways, etc.
  • Dining Out $122.24 - Eating out is also cheaper in Mexico!
  • Truck $1177.66 - We were leaking engine oil, and had to buy some other parts.
  • Personal $118.06 - Includes diapers, shoes, clothes, wipes, toiletries, souvenirs, etc.
  • Diesel $70.08

Total Monthly Expenses - $938.49

This month we did more cool stuff, and spent less money that we have the entire trip thus far!

It's totally possible to travel very inexpensively, even with a family of seven.

Locations Visited This Month

Total Locations Visited


What About Your Fuel and Accommodation Expenses?

Our vehicle runs on waste vegetable oil (veggie) thanks to Golden Fuel Systems, and has allowed us to complete the majority of our trip for almost free.

In Mexico, there is plenty of used oil to be had, but collecting it is more of a challenge, and requires more planning and patience.

We were generously sponsored by Cascadia Vehicle Tents, so most of the time we sleep in our very comfy roof top tent. CVT upgraded us to the family size Mt. Rainier tent with annex room. Thanks CVT!! - Watch the video by clicking here. Otherwise we stay with family or friends who invite us along the way.

Camping outside of Paracho, Mexico


November was an amazing month! We saw so many wonderful things, and spent less money for the month than ever before! Traveling really can be very inexpensive, once you get all set up.

I'm still catching up on posts for all the things we saw and did for the month of November, in part because in December we went through hell...



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