[custom_frame_center][/custom_frame_center]Twin Falls, Idaho

It was April 26, 2011 when we left Homer, Alaska to begin our Epic Expedition - a road trip from Alaska to Argentina.

It's been just about four months on the road. So what's our analysis so far? How are we surviving?

How much has it cost us and how far have we driven?

Here's the breakdown:

Previous Month(s) Expenses

Total Miles Driven:

  • Mileage 4/26/11 - 98,475
  • Mileage 5/27/11 - 104,345
  • Mileage 6/29/11 - 106,404
  • Mileage 8/3/11 - 109,286
  • Mileage 9/1/11 - 110,955
  • Miles this month - 1,669
  • Total Miles Driven - 12,480

We've done over 12,000 miles for almost FREE, thanks to GoldenFuelSystems.com!

Locations Visited This Month:

Locations Visited (Total):


  • Groceries  930.87 - I tried to focus more this month with buying locally grown food.
  • Truck Parts $317.37  - We had to buy parts to install our A/C.
  • Charity $255.00
  • Business Expenses $218.20  - This includes website hosting for a year, new iPhone, faxes and other misc. expenses.
  • Savings $180
  • Personal $111.79 - Clothes, shoes, hair supplies, etc.
  • Utilities $100.00 - To cover water/laundry, etc.
  • Vehicle Insurance $80.00
  • Diesel Fuel $67.00
  • Diapers $60.53
  • Education $52.19 - Books - about Aztecs, Mexico, Food - paper, etc.
  • Trip Prep Expenses $42.02 - This includes supplies for my organizational system.
  • Adventure $40.00 - Base jumping in Idaho
  • Gift $17.66
  • Dining Out $8.00
  • Misc. $7.78

Total Monthly Expenses - $2,488.41 (This includes $180 in savings and $317.37 in truck parts)

We want to focus on reducing our monthly food bill, which we will be able to do for sure once we cross into Mexico. We also want to focus on eating local foods, so we'll see how that works into the budget.


Wait a minute, where's your fuel expense?

Maybe you noticed? During the last month we only put in about $67 in diesel (a little high).

That's because we don't use diesel when we drive. Our vehicle runs on waste vegetable oil (veggie) thanks to Golden Fuel Systems.

Most of our trip has been done on FREE waste veggie that we collect from restaurants along our way.

What about your 'accommodations' expense?

We were generously sponsored by Cascadia Vehicle Tents, so most of the time we sleep in our very comfy roof top tent - Watch the video by clicking here. Otherwise we stay with family or friends who invite us along the way.



This past month we've been focusing intently on preparing for the launch of our online course - 24 Simple Steps to the Lifestyle of Your Dreams. It's almost ready to launch! We're really excited about it.

We also have some other products and business ideas we've been working on, so stay in touch to hear about them when they're announced.

Make sure to check out our itinerary to see if we'll be passing through your city/state. We'd love to meet you!

We're getting ready to depart Utah for good. So far we've taken some side trips, but have come back here to continue work on our projects. But we'll be leaving for good in the coming weeks - tentative departure date of September 11th, after a retreat we'll be attending in Park City with Best-Selling authors Richard and Linda Eyre.

Until we leave, here's what we'll be working on:

  1. Installing A/C- We've got all the parts, just need to spend a day getting it installed.
  2. Launching our products - one on designing a 'dream' family life and the others on How to See Everything for Nothing, and Traveling Mexico and Central America with Your Family.
  3. We're also working on another website idea, something for connecting traveling families, as well as website design, and catching up on posts for all our adventures to date.




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