Patzcuaro - 34Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a Latin holiday celebrated every November 1st and 2nd. Despite the skulls and the word 'dead' in the name, it's actually a very nice holiday... not 'scary' or 'gruesome' like Halloween.

At least that's my opinion of Halloween... we're not big fans. We don't do candy, and we don't believe in 'celebrating' ghosts, goblins, ghouls and witches and 'evil' in general.

So I thought I wouldn't like Dia de los Muertos, if it was anything like that. But it's not... instead it's dedicated to remembering and honoring your ancestors and other members of your family that have passed on. (It's also about good food.) Many people will spend time at the cemetery, decorating and cleaning graves and talking about their loved ones (and eating.)

Last year we celebrated Dia de los Muertos in Panajachel by flying kites and visiting the cemetery.

The year before that we were in Mexico and celebrated at:

(It was FANTASTIC, I had the best time... I think the rest of my family did too. 😉 )

This year?

This year we'll be visiting the giant kite festival near Antigua, Guatemala.

In the meantime, we did made these Dia de los Muertos crafts for kids at The Homestead. Just used some things you can find at most librerias (school/office/craft supply store.)


Marigolds are a popular flower for this festival. Graveyards are blanketed with them. Here's a photo from Tzintzuntzan in Mexico.

Patzcuaro - 58

So we decided to make our own tissue paper marigolds (you can find instructions for making them here.)


Marina (our caretaker's daughter) got in on the action. She was very fascinated by our little project.




Parker got creative and added leaves to his stem.


The kids decided to make multi-colored marigolds... they turned out beautifully. (Orange, lime green, pink and turquoise are the traditional Dia de los Muertos colors.)


We also made masks (instructions here.)


And papel picado (cut paper, instructions here.)


Then I made our little ofrenda (literally 'offering', but simply the place where you remember your loved ones.) That's a picture of my mom and dad with me and my brother. My dad died from cancer 10 years ago.

dia de los muertos ofendra

Then of course, we made our favorite... ponche.

We first had ponche in Tzintzuntzan, and were immediately in love (especially my husband.) It's also drunk traditionally at Christmas time, kind of like a wassail or apple cider. It's made from boiled fruit, cinnamon and Latin panela (blocks of pure cane sugar.)

It's ohhhh, so good!

If you want to try making your own, here's the recipe (I improvised, adding pineapple, a banana, raisins and dates, omitting the guavas and prunes -- didn't have any.)


And of course we were going to make pan de muerto but we were out of flower. But you could try it... here's the recipe (and one for Mexican Hot Chocolate, just for fun!)

Have you celebrated Dia de los Muertos somewhere around the world?

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2024 UPDATE!

We’re excited to share that we’ve made a big move! We are now living in beautiful Portugal and have taken ownership of the Worldschool Family Beach Resort. We are now known as the Extraordinary Family Life, where we focus on coaching and mentoring moms, dads, and teens to create fulfilling, joyful, extraordinary family lives. With over 20 years of experience traveling the world with our seven children, we’re passionate about sharing the lessons we’ve learned along the way.

Check out the links below to learn more about what we do!


Greg left home at the age of 16 and difficult circumstances forced him to find a way to find happiness and build his own happy family life.

Discovering the answers to some of life's biggest questions has continued in a lifelong pursuit of learning and personal growth.

He's married to his best friend and they have seven incredible kids. He's traveled, adventured, and taught in 49 countries on five continents.


Rachel is an ambitious mother of seven children. She homeschools, manages a multiple six-figure business, and organizes trips for her family and friends.

She loves to read, learn, travel, and create resources for her children to get the 'best education possible' which often includes incredible experiences around the globe.

Rachel provides the 'logistics' behind the program -- from tracking to curriculum to trip planning.

Learn to save money on travel  here!

Visit us at the Worldschool Family Beach Resort in Portugal!

Looking for a place to stay in Guatemala? Check this out!

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Check out Rachel's YouTube Channel, Raising Well-Adjusted Kids.

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