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6 Ways to Make Love While Traveling With Kids

Today it has been 10 years that my hubby and I have been blissfully wed! In honor of our decade together, and spurred by recent articles such as How to Have Sex on the Road and Not Wake Your Child by Christi...
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Why We Live Our Nomadic Life

Get inspired to live the life you dream of living. Dad, mom and 5 kids share why they live their nomadic, traveling life. Includes new photos and video of our travels to Costa Rica and Central America, as we...
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How to Finance Your Family’s Travel Adventures

There it is again. That incessant yearning deep within. It starts out as a spark, as you glance at another issue of your favorite travel magazine on the rack at the grocery store, but soon it grows to a blazing...
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Moving to the Dominican Republic

Turquoise blue ocean stretches as far as the eye can see. I'm staring out of the small window of the plane, scanning the horizon for the first glimpse of the island that will be our new home. It has bee...