**Note: I posted this before, but I fixed the bugs, and so I'm re-releasing.

Beauty Up North is the first in a series of ebooks, created from photos taken along our Epic Expedition driving from Alaska to Argentina with our five children.

This 35-page downloadable book includes over 75 beautiful photographs of Alaska and Canada. You can download it for FREE to your computer, and share it with friends and family.

About the Books

In April of 2011, our family of seven set out from Homer, Alaska to drive the entire length of two continents, visiting every country in (continental) North and South America.

We estimate that this trip will take us about 3 years, as we slowly explore this hemisphere of the world.

Sample page from Beauty Up North

Why Free Ebooks?

I have a passion for photography, and take thousands of photos as we travel. I wanted a way to share our journey, and the photos I have taken, so I decided to compile them into ebooks according to location, and share them here on my site.

I hope that this series will allow you to take a little journey with us through North and South America; help you as you plan your own adventures; or provide reflection of past trips.

You can download your own free copy of the first ebook (19.9 MB) by clicking the link below:

Beauty Up North will be delivered instantly as a PDF file of only 19.9 MB.

As long as you can view PDF documents on your computer, smart phone or tablet device, you should be able to view this eBook without any problems. You can download Adobe Reader for free through this link.

Tell Others About This Book

Please download by clicking the button above, and feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested.

I appreciate you sharing this free gift!

Please Let Me Know What You Think

I would love for you to leave feedback in the comment section below. Which is your favorite photo? Where would you like to visit the most? Or tell me about your own travel adventures.

The next books will be available soon - the continental United States and then Mexico!




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10 Responses

  1. Tim

    Sorry to inform you but the e-book doesn’t work, says it is damaged and can not be repaired. Thanks Anyways, Tim

      • Andi Fischer

        You’re welcome. Not a problem at all. I’m glad I gave it a chance not accepting it as MY fault, because that’s what I thought until you’ve replied.

      • Andi Fischer

        Wow! Awesome!! Wow, wow, wot!! How beautiful!!! I like the bear in the tree, because at first I hardly figured out, what it is. Is it a wetsuit? Was it a skydiver? And I love the toddler meditating for sure. No question.

        Well, 277 MB, that’s another story. I guess these fellow guys who commented earlier would love to be reminded as well.

        And then I like it, when you play with the layout and additionally bleed the field of view, like both you’ve done with the “time bandid”. Great shot! Some 16:9 or maybe 8:3, instead of all and everything 4:3 is definitely what I would love to see in your following photo books.

        Keep it up, Rachel. I love what you’re doing. (And I don’t mean the book alone.)

      • Rachel

        Thanks Andi! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Did it take a long time to download? I had some trouble uploading it, but didn’t know if it was in Mexico, or if I need to make my pictures smaller.

      • Andi Fischer

        Relatively long, yes. Is difficult to view at my slow machine. But it’s good to manifest it in print. Maybe you want to do a smaller screen version additionally. Yet the real beauty will only come across when big enough.

        You also can make a degree on PDF compression to make it small but with high quality. I’m sure there are some experts out there who might help.

  2. Ivy Goula

    Most amazing e-book and photos. Rachel, your pictures really took my breath away. You are a fantastic photographer. It does inspire my husband and I very much. We have been following your blog, reading about your adventures, and challenges you faced. It is truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing.


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