We took a little weekend trip with some good friends to their property in Mount Pleasant for a 'cowboy' weekend.

It was a great experience, a chance for us all to try some new things, gain some more confidence and get an in depth look at another lifestyle - that's what family travel is all about.

First, the photos (scroll down for the videos):

The ranch

Saddlin' up

Catch me if you can

Curious kids


MY cowboy

Parker was more than excited to use a lasso

He is a real cowboy

Didn't I tell you?

My cowboy with his rope

This is the old cabin

Learnin' how to saddle up

Kyah LOVES horses

Watching the action

My man. Doesn't he look tough?

One tough chick. I didn't try it, I didn't want a rope burn or to get knocked around by some crazy calves.

Aaliyah (4) took this photo. It's a little blurry, but cute.

Cute baby Atlas.

Here's the videos (if you can't see them click here):

Calf Ropin' (Watch this on YouTube)

Horseback Riding (Watch this on YouTube)

Calf Wranglin' (Watch this on YouTube)



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