Although Canada is not that much larger than the U.S., the large size of the territories and provinces somehow makes it seem so HUGE.

Crossing from Alaska into the Yukon, we're moving fast because the weather is still so cold, which makes for un-fun camping (I guess technically sleeping in our truck).

Hoping that the weather will warm the further south we get, British Columbia still seems so far despite long days of driving.

Finally crossing into BC - the best place on earth - the weather is slightly warmer - warm enough that the bears are out of hibernation.

Atlas meditating on the Yukon/Alaska border

Triumph pose at the border

Yukon - Larger than Life

They got us with this cutout when we drove up to Alaska too. Works well, I guess.

Stuck in the mud

This is how they transport teams of sled dogs

We stopped to view some swans, but the lake was still frozen - we snapped a photo instead.

The longest bridge along the Alaskan Highway - in Teslin

The Sign Post Forest in Watson Lake

We found this guy chillin in the tree in the early morning

The same morning we saw him, he conveniently posed for a photo



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3 Responses

  1. Carol Kaatz

    NO WAY!! I always wanted to see a bear cub up a tree!! You lucky ducks! Great photos, Rachel…I don’t think we’ve taken that route…next time we will though!

  2. Alisa

    Did you ever take the gorgeous roads down to Skagway or Valdez? LOVE the meditation photo!

    • Rachel

      No, we didn’t have that privilege. We were cold and anxious to get to where we thought there might be warmer weather, so no side trips.


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