The best secret ski towns of North America?

That's the topic that freelance writer Aaron Teasdale recently wrote about for National Geographic Traveler.

Ironically, he wrote the article from a hammock on the beach in Nicaragua, where he's been practicing surfing and saving turtle eggs from poachers.

We recently met his family on the beaches of Guacaste, Nicaragua. The Teasdales rented out their home, took the kids out of school and are taking seven months to explore Central America.

Aaron funds their life (at home and now on the road) as a freelance writer and photographer. (I think we're going to need to interview him for our How to Fund Travel series.)

Sounds like a great lifestyle, right?

So is this something that's only possible for an elite few, those gifted geniuses with a flair for wrangling words together?

Not according to Chris Guillebeau's most recent book release (written by Amber Adrian, which I've just read and highly recommend). If you have a desire to 'write for a living', then it's possible to create a career out of freelance writing... a career that will give you more lifestyle options.

How is it done? How do you start your profession as a freelance writer, earning a comfortable income that offers the freedom to work from anywhere in the world? (The BEST part, if you ask me.)

Freelance writing is one of my income streams. But meeting Aaron Teasdale and reading Chris's/Amber's newly released book has inspired me to pursue this stream with greater passion.

The formula for making it happen is simple... and it starts with getting your first paid gig.

Maybe you’ll get paid your first time out, maybe you won’t. But the more you write and the more you engage, the more ideas you’ll have. The more you share, the more you’ll draw people, as well as jobs and opportunities, to you.

Nail down your idea of great success. Know exactly what it looks like. Work steadily and creatively to get there and you might start the next world-changing online publication or write your way into cliff diving in Monte Verde or hiking Mount Everest.

Now is the time to dream as big as you possibly can. The rest will come.  Amber Adrian

Getting your first gig starts by doing these things:

1. Just start writing

You don't have to know how to write a best-seller, or even a viral blog post (my most recent guest post had 44k Facebook shares!) All you have to do is start with where you are. I wrote for a long time, and no one read it (except for maybe my mom. 😉 )

Decide to write. Commit to it everyday. Just write. That's how it starts.

“There’s really no secret. Just make things and share them. Don’t give up, even when things don’t happen the way you want them to.”  - Mindy Kaling

2. Create a web presence

This is a must in today's online world. Without a web presence, you don't exist. Without a professional web presence, your abilities are doubted. (If you need help with a website, you know who to contact. 😉 )

Your website is your resume. It tells the world who you are and what you've done (and what you plan to do). If you don't have any writing samples to share, then volunteer to write for someone who needs it. Now you're beginning your portfolio.

Create a website telling the world you're a writer, and people will believe you.

3. Decide on your niche

If you're going to make a living as a writer, it might as well be done by writing stuff you're interested (or even better, passionate) about. Is that education? Travel? Food?

Picking a niche will help you to define your daily writing (remember, you committed to doing that in step #1?) It will also help you with the next step which is to:

4. Make a pitch

You can never get paid to write unless you pitch companies who pay for writers. Don't be afraid. Yes, writing is different than pitching. Pitching requires understanding the art of selling. Yes, you may very well get rejected. That's okay. The important thing is that you're trying, and gaining experience.
“Set a deadline to send your first pitch by, and put it on your calendar. .” Amber Adrian

5. Find Your Peeps

Ultimately, earning income comes from connecting with people, often the right people... people who want what you have to offer. Where are your people? Offline? Online? Facebook? Twitter? Your job is to find people whom you can help and who in turn can help you.

Don’t be intimidated by the competition. No matter where you are in your life and writing career, there is a client that would love to have you help them. Not everyone out there can afford a seasoned pro. Your life experience makes you unique and nobody will write it quite the way you will. The size of the freelance writing market is huge, and there’s room for you...if you market yourself and are serious about learning, improving, and making this happen.” - Carol Tice

These are the very first steps to becoming a paid freelance writer. Of course making a career out of it will require more effort, information and know-how.

(These steps were adapted from the Get Paid for Writing book, which goes into far greater detail on:

  • the writing process
  • making pitches
  • getting paid and knowing how much to charge
  • facing fears and rejections
  • being your own boss
  • building a freelance business and more

The important thing to remember? YOU can do this. And it begins by beginning. In a year from now you can be closer to your dream lifestyle... or you can still be where you are. It's your choice.

We’d all love a clearly marked yellow brick road to the Emerald City. But you don’t need a wizard with a curtain and a god complex. You just need to pay attention. Pay attention to what your next step is. Pay attention to what you enjoy, and that will point the way to excellence."  Amber Adrian

If you want more, make sure to grab the 'Get Paid for Writing' guide.

Are you a freelance writer? Do you want to be? Please share in the comments.

2024 UPDATE!

We’re excited to share that we’ve made a big move! We are now living in beautiful Portugal and have taken ownership of the Worldschool Family Beach Resort. We are now known as the Extraordinary Family Life, where we focus on coaching and mentoring moms, dads, and teens to create fulfilling, joyful, extraordinary family lives. With over 20 years of experience traveling the world with our seven children, we’re passionate about sharing the lessons we’ve learned along the way.

Check out the links below to learn more about what we do!


Greg left home at the age of 16 and difficult circumstances forced him to find a way to find happiness and build his own happy family life.

Discovering the answers to some of life's biggest questions has continued in a lifelong pursuit of learning and personal growth.

He's married to his best friend and they have seven incredible kids. He's traveled, adventured, and taught in 60+ countries on five continents.


Rachel is an ambitious mother of seven children. She homeschools, manages a multiple six-figure business, and organizes trips for her family and friends.

She loves to read, learn, travel, and create resources for her children to get the 'best education possible' which often includes incredible experiences around the globe.

Rachel provides the 'logistics' behind the program -- from tracking to curriculum to trip planning.

Learn to save money on travel  here!

Visit us at the Worldschool Family Beach Resort in Portugal!

Looking for a place to stay in Guatemala? Check this out!

Check out these Trips and Adventures!

Listen to our podcast.

Check out Rachel's YouTube Channel, Raising Well-Adjusted Kids.

Take Rachel's 28-Day Challenge for moms.

Join Greg's Formidable Familye Man Tribe.

Tune into Greg's Formidable FAmily Man podcast.

Visit Greg's Formidable Family Men YouTube Channel.



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6 Responses

  1. Dan Vineberg

    Hey Rachel, I found this to be good down-to-earth advice. I started a travel blog a few months ago and have been taking in as much information about it as I can!

  2. Dorothy Bryant (@miamordorothy)

    Funding for a travel writer is never that easy to think on but if you have the skills and capable enough to handle things for your future, try on supporting first everything for your success or you may have a client who’ve you both have the trust to anyone and ask them for you to work on the writing job through travel. This article is so helpful, i thank you. Cheers!


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