IMG_1975After the Kite Festival, we were headed toward Antigua where we intended to stay the night, when traffic suddenly stopped.

Slightly annoyed at the interruption in our journey, I figured I would at least go check out what was going on (we could hear music blaring.)

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I walked up with some of the kids, but as we approached, the music was so loud that Atlas was scared and wanted to go back to the truck with dad (the speakers filled up the back of a large flat bed truck!)

Kyah took him back and Parker, Aaliyah and I watched the costumed dancers in the street.

I don’t know what it represents, or why they do it, but I do remember seeing a similar performance in Panajachel the year before.

It was so hot, the dancers must have been sweltering in those costumes, especially with all the movement they were doing. I kept wondering what kind of dehydration issues they might be facing later.

They weren’t going anywhere, so we kept watching...

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And watching...

And watching...

I wondered if they were ever going to stop. Drivers on both sides were already honking and angry.

And it was hot, waiting in the sun. This was cool, but I kind of wondered about their choice of closing a major road and creating a forced audience.


I decided to return to the truck, and soon after I heard the band stop playing (I thought it was a CD this entire time, but the band was in the back of another truck.)

By the time I reached the truck, we were on our way once again... to unexpectedly find some hot springs and the perfect camp spot (until the Guatemalan police kicked us out.)

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Have you ever had an experience like this? Tell us about it in the comments below.



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