Wow. He looks hot.

I had just exited La Aurora International Airport in Guatemala City, and this very attractive man, dressed to the nines, was approaching me with a big grin on his face.

My heart starts fluttering and my hands are getting clammy.

He reaches me, we embrace, and when we kiss I can tell he's nervous, too.

It's been two weeks since we last saw each other. I've been in the States for an essential oil convention and visiting family, and he's been 'holding down the fort' in Guatemala.

Expecting to find my excited munchkins when I open the truck door, instead I discover a clean vehicle, love notes on the dashboard and roses on my seat.

I suspect something.

We get 'lost' driving around Guatemala City, which isn't unusual. We vow to get a GPS before hitting the road again toward El Salvador, after Christmas (the current plan).

As we're talking away, I suddenly notice that we're pulling into the parking lot of the Grand Tikal Futura Hotel, one of the nicest in Guatemala City.

Now I know what's up. 😉

We check into the hotel, and then the rest of the day and some of the next belongs to just the two of us. A treat we don't often have. So we indulge, and do lots of 'grown up' stuff.

I'll spare all the details, but basically it includes museums and dinner and gifts and chocolate and more roses. 

The next morning, we work out together at the hotel gym, then relax in the jacuzzi.

Ahhh. This is the life. How did I get so ridiculously lucky?

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Life wasn't always this awesome.

There was a time when Greg had a job he hated. There was a time when we felt 'stuck'.

There was a time when all we yearned for was more FREEDOM.

Now we're 'lucky' enough to have ample amounts of it. We spend the day as a family, we do work that we love, we get to travel and have great experiences.

Life isn't perfect, but it is on purpose and meaningful.

And the truth is that 'luck' has nothing to do with it.

So how did we create this ridiculously awesome life? It all comes down to this one simple thing.

We worked on creating it. Day after day, week after week, month after month.

Through job losses and near bankruptcy and new babies and countless other obstacles, every day we took consistent action toward making our dream of freedom and travel a reality.

Did you catch the key words there? 'Consistent action.'

We did something. We didn't just talk about it or dream about it. We acted. Even without a perfect plan. Even without the money. Even when it seemed impossible that we could ever create the life we really wanted.

Giving up was not an option. We took action in the face of fear and failure. And we did it day after day after week after month, until the life we desired began to take shape.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
[message type="custom" width="100%" start_color="#FFFFFF" end_color="#FBF8FF" border ="non" color=""]"Do the thing and you shall have the power."  (Click to tweet this quote.)[/message]

Guess what? That's true. It's really, really true.

And it's the one thing you need to know to create your ridiculously awesome life. Do it, and you'll have the power.

Move forward, and the way will be revealed.

Take the first step into the darkness in faith, and the light will come to show the next step, and then the next.

It really is that simple. It's easy to do (but it's easy not to do as well. To understand more about this principle, I HIGHLY recommend this book.)

Creating a phenomenal life that you LOVE to live isn't rocket science. It's not magic either.

It simply requires consistent action and constant improvement.

In the words of the Dalai Lama,

Happiness is not ready made. It comes from your own actions.  (Click to tweet.)



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10 Responses

  1. Brooks

    I’ve been following your journey for a while now. Not even sure how I found the site, but I’m glad I did. I shared it with a friend, and she’s now disappeared to New Zealand. Who knows what will happen next 🙂


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