Crossing into Arizona from Utah, we passed through Navajo Indian Reservation country. We decided to stop at a roadside store/trailer, to experience a bit of the culture.

In Greg's usually friendly way, he struck up a conversation with the store owner. He then asked her how far the reservation went, and where we might find a place to camp for the night. She generously offered to let us camp on her land across the street.

We had a nice evening and dinner. The next morning we enjoyed a beautiful sunrise.

We sat out in the cool desert sun and ate our breakfast.

Later we stopped in Tuba City (turn left off the main road, and this 'yard sale' is on the left hand side of the road.)





This is what we came for, mutton and fry bread (per recommendation of our friend Charlie from

The very generous cook also gave us a bowl of dumplings & mutton and squash soup. Yum!

The cook.

Click here if you can't see the video below.




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