Giddy with excitement, our four little children bound down the gangplank to the boat dock. Daddy and I are not far behind, and feeling a little giddy ourselves.

We walk the dock until we find the slip that holds the boat that will take us across Kachemak Bay to Peterson Bay where we'll be spending two nights with dear friends who kindly invited us.


A good reminder...

Are you excited????

Leaving the Homer Boat Dock

Can you taste that salty sea air?

Passing Gull Island, which Parker has re-named 'Stinky Island'

We dock and disembark...

Then re-embark on the boat that will take us to shore

All ashore that's going ashore

A perfect night - the view from our cabin

The view at 2:00 am, after our midnight boat ride to look at the bioluminescence

The 'homestead' cabin of our hosts

Alluring Peterson Bay in the morning

An early morning low-tide walk - the receded tide left all sorts of treasures to discover

Hanging on till the ocean comes back

Look what I found mom!

What's that?

World schooling at it's best!

Clusters of sea stars

Look what I found mom

Treasures of the sea

I've never seen so many arms on a sea star

Catch me if you can!

Look what I found mom

A baby eel that was buried in the sand

This is all under water during high tide.

Like glass...

Loving this sunshine!! The (first?) we've had all summer...

A baby eagle watches for it's mother to bring some food


Aaliyah is captivated by her new friend

Life in the Alaska Frontier

Leaving Peterson Bay for a jaunt over to Halibut Cove

Beautiful Halibut Cove

Halibut Cove's only restaurant, The Saltry

Leaving Halibut Cove - the seas start to get a little rough, so we have a bumpy ride back to Peterson

The wind in my hair, the salt spray on my face...

The sun sets on another perfect day




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One Response

  1. Carol Kaatz

    I love this!! What a great adventure! the photos are sooo beautiful!


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