Maybe I was depressed.

Life had turned out to be so much more disappointing than I had hoped and dreamed and planned it to be.

My theme song (I have one for every life stage) was Coldplay’s Viva la Vida:

I used to rule the world...

I used to roll the dice, feel the fear in my enemies eyes. Listen as the crowd would sing, now the old king is dead, long live the king

One minute I held the key, next the walls were closed on me 

And I discovered that my castles stand upon pillars of sand.

We’d taken risks. We’d pursued a dream and we had lived it. Then it all came crashing down.

[message type="custom" width="100%" start_color="#FFFFFF" end_color="#FBF8FF" border ="non" color=""]wayne dyerReading has drastically altered our life. It has made us who we are.  Books have been our closest friends when no one else believed in us or the ‘beauty of our dreams’.

Here is our list of Must Read Books.[/message]

In 2007 we had made a dream come true. Through reading and dreaming big, planning and persistence, we’d moved to Costa Rica with our four young children. We were ‘living the dream’ as we called it, renting a beautiful home in a tropical locale, visiting beaches and waterfalls, having grand adventures and living it up.

Then in 2008 it came crashing down around us. We lost our investments in the stock market. We lost our income. Seeing our only option was to return to the States for a job, we sold whatever we had of value (like Greg’s $2000 mountain bike) so we could buy plane tickets for our family of seven.

living in costa rica

We moved in with my mother-in-law, until someone lent us the money to get into our own apartment. Going from living in a 6500 sq. foot mansion in Costa Rica to living on the second floor of an apartment building was debasing for me... but the kids called our new home the ‘castle’. The mansion was just ‘the big house’.

Greg got a job as a server at a restaurant. We were broke. Dead broke. On top of our own personal degradation, we had to deal with humiliating encounters with those who ‘told us so’.

“Welcome back to reality,” they said.

Life sucks, and then you die. That’s how most people live. Why did we think that we were any different?

Maybe they were right. Maybe we were crazy to have big dreams and to try and break out of the ‘mold’ cast by society.

It went on this way for months, feeling that dreams were impossible to achieve. The problem was, the dreams didn’t go away. We still really wanted to travel with our children. We really wanted to live abroad -- full time. But how? I didn’t see anyway it could happen.

And so my despondency continued, and I questioned whether success was reserved for the elite few. Why did some people seem to achieve everything they wanted, while others would persist year after year facing obstacle after obstacle, struggling and surviving but never thriving?

And was that our fate, a fate we just had to accept?

And if life was meant to be so dreary, then why did I have such big, ambitious dreams? Were they there just to torment me?

For months I wondered if I should just accept what is, if there was no actual way to turn dreams into reality. I mean, we had tried, really tried... and this is what we had to show for it. Broke and broken.

Then, finally, I started reading again. I hadn’t read a good book for months. Now I picked up Success Principles by Jack Canfield.

As I read, it was as though someone turned on the lights, and there, previously hidden in the darkness of my despair, were the answers to the questions I’d been asking myself.

Success was not reserved for the elite few, but was available to all who applied it’s principles. There were specific actions and steps to follow. There was a course laid out. Our dreams weren’t given to torment us, but as a compass showing us the way to follow. Yes, failure would come, as it had to us. But success would follow if we used our failure as fertilizer and ‘kept moving forward.’

Hope filled my soul once more. Determination flowed through my veins. We can achieve our dreams, and we will. Of that I was certain.

But it didn’t end there. We continued to pursue our dreams, and with each success came more failure. And every time, when discouragement, disappointment and demoralization would almost make us give up, go home and accept a mediocre, normal life, there was a book that would show up in our life. We would read it, and almost magically, it would contain the guidance, direction and inspiration that we needed to ‘keep moving forward’.

It was books that started us out on the path of dreaming. It was books that led us to pursue ‘something different’. It was books that brought on success. It was books that led us through the darkness of failure.

Books have molded our thinking process, altered our characters and shaped our life into what it is today. Books have been our closest friends when no one else believed in us or the ‘beauty of our dreams’. They’ve always cheered us on, given us just the right advice, and provided inspiration and encouragement to keep dreaming.

Currently ReadingI wish I could go back and share with you every book we’ve read and how it impacted our life, but as Emerson said,

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.”

We can’t go back, but we can go forward. Reading great books is something we continue to do, and because they have such a positive impact on our life, we want to share their messages with you, hoping that you too will be inspired to read, and be changed, by them.

For that reason we’re creating a ‘Reading for a Change’ series. As we finish a book, we’ll post about it here, sharing it’s insights, principles and inspiration.

How have books changed your life? What are your favorites?

[message type="custom" width="100%" start_color="#FFFFFF" end_color="#FBF8FF" border ="non" color=""]Make sure you get updates from our 'Reading for a Change' series by being subscribed to our mailing list.[/message]


2024 UPDATE!

We’re excited to share that we’ve made a big move! We are now living in beautiful Portugal and have taken ownership of the Worldschool Family Beach Resort. We are now known as the Extraordinary Family Life, where we focus on coaching and mentoring moms, dads, and teens to create fulfilling, joyful, extraordinary family lives. With over 20 years of experience traveling the world with our seven children, we’re passionate about sharing the lessons we’ve learned along the way.

Check out the links below to learn more about what we do!


Greg left home at the age of 16 and difficult circumstances forced him to find a way to find happiness and build his own happy family life.

Discovering the answers to some of life's biggest questions has continued in a lifelong pursuit of learning and personal growth.

He's married to his best friend and they have seven incredible kids. He's traveled, adventured, and taught in 60+ countries on five continents.


Rachel is an ambitious mother of seven children. She homeschools, manages a multiple six-figure business, and organizes trips for her family and friends.

She loves to read, learn, travel, and create resources for her children to get the 'best education possible' which often includes incredible experiences around the globe.

Rachel provides the 'logistics' behind the program -- from tracking to curriculum to trip planning.

Learn to save money on travel  here!

Visit us at the Worldschool Family Beach Resort in Portugal!

Looking for a place to stay in Guatemala? Check this out!

Check out these Trips and Adventures!

Listen to our podcast.

Check out Rachel's YouTube Channel, Raising Well-Adjusted Kids.

Take Rachel's 28-Day Challenge for moms.

Join Greg's Formidable Familye Man Tribe.

Tune into Greg's Formidable FAmily Man podcast.

Visit Greg's Formidable Family Men YouTube Channel.



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11 Responses

  1. MaryBright1

    I can’t wait to see what books you post about. I recently started reading  a Wayne Dyer book and was blown away be just the first chapter. I’ve been thinking about wanting to discuss it with people but I don’t know many (or any) people who are interested in that type of thing. Maybe your discussion of books will be the next best thing.

  2. RachelDenning

    MaryBright1 Wayne Dyer is one of my favorite authors, but he is definitely ‘out there’ for some people 😉 I’d love to ‘discuss’ it with you.

  3. Dylan

    Wayne Dyer is a New Age con man, period.

    Try reading Art Williams (A.L. Williams) if you want some real world direction.

  4. RachelDenning

    @Dylan Period… sounds so final and closed-minded 🙂 As though there’s only one way to look at everything in the world. But I’ll still check out A.L. Williams.

  5. MarkBrenwall

    hi rachel,

    back when i was doing a mastermind with you and greg i really enjoyed discussing the books we read. i recently went through greg’s reading list on facebook and added a few to my audible account that i hadn’t read before. i’ll definitely be looking forward to seeing you book reviews here!

  6. Ryan Terry

    Hello Rachel. Love Reading about your Successes & Failures. Jessica & I Always Believe You & Greg can Do Whatever You Desire in Life. Thanks for the Inspiration! You’re Right…Reading Great Books is so Empowering! We Love & Support You Guys Forever! Tell the Family Hello! Love Ryan & Jessica

  7. Mariposa Sunshine

    Fun article – great reading – I love to travel the world and wish my daughter would move her children to Mexico  there’s very good schooling in San Miguel


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