The Denning Kids at the Mexico/Belize border

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Question: What is the Most Difficult Part About Traveling With Kids?

Answer: (Click here if you can't see the video.)

The answer might surprise you 😉


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4 Responses

  1. Julie

    I love the part about your kids eating everything!! So do my kids!! We don’t have a short order cook living in my house and I am not going to be one so…they eat what I cook or there is nothing else to eat until the next meal and that might even be until morning. There is quite a list of foods we can not eat due to food allergies and intolerances, but my kids must try one bit of everything of the foods they can tolerate. 9 times out of 10 they finish their plate. It’s amazing what they will eat when they are hungry and there is no other options for them. My usual response is “if you don’t eat this, there is nothing but water until the next meal.” Works for us. More people should try this, there would be less picky eaters then. I even abide by my rules. I cook things I don’t like because others like food I don’t. So I eat the one bite and am slowly learning to like things I have never liked before. Win, win for everyone.

  2. Lana

    Absolutely LOVED this. We’ve gotten habits just using the bathroom outside. When I went back to the states after two years in Asia, the whole toilet paper (instead of hose) made me freak out.

    Then I was in Belgium in September and there was a 75 euro fine for using the bathroom outside. I found that out after I had almost went to the bathroom near the tent in the middle of the night. 😛

    As to kids flexibility, 100% dead on! I traveled Cambodia earlier this year with a 2 year old who never complained when it was 97 degrees, could take naps in any village whether or not there was electricity, etc. But the adults on that trip were high maintenance.


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