Mt. Saint Helens blew her top in 1980 and scorched 230 square miles of forest and killing 57 people, mostly those who chose to ignore the warning of authorities who predicted the volcano's eruption.
(Scroll down for the video)

Mt Saint Helens

What looks like two separate peaks used to be one - until half the mountain was blown

All this land was scorched, but it was replanted and is now beautiful once more

Atlas and daddy enjoy the view

Indoors there is tons of educational information about biology, geology and so much more...

These two trees are the same age - 50 years old.

A playground outside had their own 'Mt Saint Helens' to climb
(Click here if you can't see/watch this video, or watch it on YouTube)
Have you been to Mt Saint Helens? How was your experience?
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I lived in Bellingham, Washington (up by Canadian border) when MSH blew in 1980. We were getting ready to go to church and we heard the sonic “BOOM” and thought a paper mill in town had blow up or something! My mom who has asthma wore a mask for a few days and carried one with with for a few weeks because of ash in the atmosphere. Thanks for posting these photos. Nice to see the area alive again. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed them!