All photos by Chris Palmer

Sun beams poke out from the cloud cover and shine down onto Kachemak Bay as the waves crash onto the rocky beach right outside the window of our table at Captain Patties Seafood Restaurant on the Spit in Homer, Alaska.

My mom and step-dad took my hubby and I out for all-you-can-eat prawns, and we were joined by our good friend Chris Palmer, who took these amazing photos with his awesome Canon Mark II (I suffer from camera envy).

Captain Patties

I think they can safely make this claim

This is good! Yum 🙂

All-you-can-eat prawns

Or you can have them grilled

That's one big prawn

Chicken Alfredo - My mom said eating this made her euphoric. It was so good she felt like she was high. That's pretty good food!

With the wooden fisherman and halibut

Our good friend Chris with my hubby Greg

Thanks for a great time Mom, Fred and Chris! We'll miss you when we leave.




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