Me riding an elephant in India while 4 months pregnant

A few years ago, inspired by Mark Victor Hanson's (MVH) How To Think Bigger Than You Ever Thought You Could Think, I sat down and wrote out my 'bucket list'- all the things I wanted to be, do, have or experience before I die.

Northern Lights in Homer, AK

Per MVH, I wrote down 101 goals.

Since that time I'm no longer interested in pursuing some of those aspirations.

I've grown since then and my values have changed. For example, I'm more interested now in doing and experiencing things than I am in owning things.

So goals like 'owning a home in Hawaii' or 'having a collection of artifacts from around the world' I'm really re-thinking.

Do I really want the responsibility (and often burden) that comes with owning a lot of stuff?

Some of those objectives I have proudly achieved, such as:

  1. Live Abroad (We've lived in Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and India)
  2. Go bungee jumping (Costa Rica in 2008)
  3. Become fluent in Spanish (I'm conversationally fluent, still more to learn though)
  4. Ride an elephant (I at least sat on one in India - watch the video)
  5. See and photograph the Northern Lights (this just happened March 2011, on our 10 year anniversary!)
  6. Learn to ride a motorcycle (I did this in Las Galeras, Dominican Republic)
  7. Drive the Pan American Highway (Road trip to Costa Rica 2007)
  8. Drive the Alaska Highway (Road trip to Alaska May 2010)

What an amazing feeling to do something that you've dreamt of doing.

The remainder of items on my DSI List (as I now call it) are yet to be accomplished.

But as T.E. Lawrence says, "Those who dreams with eyes wide open make their dreams come true."

We are the waking dreamers.

This year we will embark on a journey that will move us toward accomplishing more of the goals on our DSI List (view the complete list here.)

What exciting things do you have on your DSI List? Please share below.



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3 Responses

  1. Greg Denning

    Marry an incredible wife….check. Raise great kids…check-ing. Visit India…check. Live in Alaska…check. Mountain bike down “El Camino De La Muerte” in Bolivia-(11,800 ft descent baby!!)…coming soon!!!


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